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About CIEC

China International Exhibition Center Group Limited (CIEC) is an enterprise under the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), established in 1985, it is the first national exhibition enterprise in China that dedicated to the event specialization, internationalization, branding and digitalization of the exhibition industry. As pioneer in China's exhibition industry, CIEC is committed to building a domestic first-class and international leading exhibition service platform for its clients by adhering to the core value of Refined Practice, Perfection to the Best. Based in Beijing, CIEC owns over 20 companies with strong influence China wide and around the world. With the core business of "Venue Management, Inbound and Outbound Exhibition Organization and World Expo/Horti-Expo", CIEC provides the whole industry chain of exhibition services for clients.



中國國際展覽中心集團有限公司(中展集團)是中國國際貿(mào)易促進委員會(CCPIT) 直屬企業(yè),成立于 1985 年,改革開放總設(shè)計師鄧小平同志親筆為“中國國際展覽中心”題名。作為國內(nèi)首家致力于會展專業(yè)化、國際化、品牌化、信息化發(fā)展的國家級會展企業(yè),中展集團秉承“精業(yè)篤行,臻于至善”的核心價值觀,為客戶打造國內(nèi)一流、國際領(lǐng)先的會展服務(wù)平臺。中展集團業(yè)務(wù)立足北京、面向全國、輻射全球,旗下?lián)碛?0 余家公司。由“場館經(jīng)營、組展出展、世博世園”構(gòu)成的集團核心業(yè)務(wù),為客戶提供會展全產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈服務(wù)。



About GL events

GL events is a world-class leading provider of integrated solutions and services for events operating across the 3 major core divisions: Venues (venue management), Exhibitions (exhibition organizing) and Live (event services). Through its wide global network made up of more than 90 offices, with organizing over 300 exhibitions, managing more than 60 venues, and staging more than 4,200 events every year, GL events Group is a critical force for city promotion of 27 MICE destinations.






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